How we approach our working hours
We are dedicated to advocating our mission of helping others improve mental health and wellbeing.
We are honest, accurate, and consistent. We do what is right over what is fast, fun, easy, or comfortable.
We understand, own, and deliver results as promised.
We seek to understand before being understood (with the baseline assumption that people have best intentions at heart).
We offer kindness and support to our colleagues and community.
We show and accept vulnerability so that we all feel comfortable voicing opinions in open communication (with the understanding that critical feedback helps us grow).
We constantly develop empathy for fellow team members and our community.
We strive for clarity in communication, clearly defining expectations and deliverables so that tensions are mitigated.
We put physical and mental health first and foremost - this drives our core customer and community experience.
We balance hard and productive work and learning with rest, hydration, respiration, movement, and nutrition.
We define the success of the company by the health of its team and its customers, in addition to its financial status and market share.
We acknowledge that exhaustion and burnout prevent us from being a full contributor of strategy, perspective, and creativity.
We use, and publicly support, wellness practices such as breathwork, meditation, and mindfulness to achieve a free state of mind and balance in life.
We embrace imperfection and take decisive action.
We dig deep through complexity to find simple solutions that help us flow smoothly to the desired goals.
We seek alternative routes and perspectives, keeping an open mind to new ideas, people, and processes.
We tackle one challenge at a time and celebrate incremental wins.
We are dedicated to delivering the best experience for our team and our users.
We take responsibility to stay on track to deliver well defined goals and KPIs.
We are proud of and grateful for the work we do and the goals we achieve.
We recognise and congratulate others on their good work.
We commit to communicating our achievements to the world.
Last updated